Saturday, 26 December 2015

The plan until New Year

Tomorrow Jim and I go to Shropshire to stay with Aunt Doreen.  We will stay a couple of days, with the purpose of doing some oral history research about Aunt Joan with cousin Allison.  I hope to get some artwork done too.  I have a new copy of Wreck this Journal, and hope to complete this book on the subject of Aunt Joan with Allison and Dor's contributions.

Then we go to Scotland for a few days to stay with Jim's friend Grace.  I will go to The Scottish National Portrait Gallery and the Gallery of Modern Art, with the intention of doing some content analysis.

The SNPG is small enough to walk round and count how many portraits on display are of men/women/ clothed/unclothed.  Last time I was there, there was a room devoted to women.  I intend to list the women depicted, and note their status, how they were valued in order to be in an image and anything else that occurs to me.

I will probably do much the same in the Gallery of Modern Art, which has an exhibition Modern Scottish Women 1885-1965.  I am mostly interested in the 20th Century.

Then if I have the time and inclination in early 2016, it would be interesting to do the same in the National Portrait Gallery in London, and again in the Elizabeth Sackler Centre, Brooklyn Musuem, in New York.  I wonder if I could get to New York around Easter?  Jim is keen for me to do whatever I need, and although he does not want to come too, wants me to go.

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