Friday, 29 April 2016

Final Group Seminar before hand-in on 10 May.

We had a good group session, discussing our work prior to hand-in in 2 weeks' time.  Only 4 people present but we each had more detailed feedback because of it.

Gareth did a great presentation on how his report is coming together.  He has obviously been employed at a high strategic level, and did a great presentation that demonstrated how to compile a report in a cohesive structure.  He was also very astute in putting data into appendices that don't count for the word count.  This enables the body of the report to draw out the learning points in the research.  Clever guy.

I loved Emma's work on drawing, and how it informs her curiosity about the space inside people's heads.  She and Gareth had been out drawing together, which demonstrates the collaborative working in the group.  Gareth and I have also worked collaboratively - I made him some bespoke artists gloves, and he is helping me set up a website.

Lieta's presentation had me somewhat confused, and there was a debate about the difference between reflection and introspection.  Apparently reflection means to bend back, which implies there is an original state which turns in another direction or is seen from a different angle … which is what researchers are meant to do.  Introspection is looking inside, so presumably not having an original state which changes.

I was quite anxious about my presentation, as I had looked at my work so much (cross stitch samplers are VERY labour intensive).  I had decided to ask the group for feedback on how to structure the phrases about Mrs Konieczny - "My friend's Mum, Mrs Konieczny could …".  This played on the phrase on my Dr Johnson's House sampler where he lists 4 reasons why he values what Mrs Carter did.    I had clear feedback that the group thought I should expand on some of the words in the crossword, to explain their significance, rather than come up with different values.  This was most helpful.  It was also good to receive positive comments on how every part of the design had a link to Mrs Konieczny - the flowers in the border are the National Flowers of Poland (poppy) and England (rose), the words in the crossword are about her, the cryptic clues show her love of crosswords  etc.

Linden observed this artwork is coming out fully formed.  I think the other students are producing an experimental body of work.

The alphabets are try-outs for the script later on.
The small numbers are the size to be used on the crossword.

Cryptic crossword clues

Starting to add the border.  Still seeking a suitable cross stitch rose .

We also debated hand-in and Verifiers visit.  I have a lot of work yet to do, before the hand-in date.  I have also agreed to submit this work to University of Herts for the Alumni Show so I need to get it finished, but am not sure I can do it before 10 May.  The Verifier's visit is right at the end of May, and the UH Private View is Thursday 26 May.  Linden was adamant that I must submit the sampler at UH, and that we will work out some way of ensuring the verifier sees it.  I think Linden is ok with me submitting photos of work in progress for the 10 May hand-in, in order for me to have more time to stitch and finish the sampler.  This would be really helpful.  I will try my utmost to get it complete for 10 May, but not to the extent of botching it.

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