Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Vanessa Bell, Dulwich Picture Gallery

Vanessa Bell, Duncan Grant in mirror
Great show.  It was the former Director's policy (now working at a gallery in Canada) to hold exhibitions where there was a gap in the market - artists not often shown in a solo show.  (I've seen Winifred Knights, Vanessa Bell and Escher at Dulwich Picture Gallery).

Bell household - tolerance and creativity; pacifism, atheism, homosexuality and open marriage.  Informality and honesty were highly prized (not sure how this fits with their frequent sexual intrigues with each other and underlying jealousies and competitiveness, particularly between Virginia and Vanessa).   Female subjects were portrayed with new agency (what does agency mean?) and force.  The curator of this show was female.

VB influenced by Singer Sargent.  Uses gesture to express character with simplicity and deftness - hmm, does this fit with my self portrait using silhouettes?  Her works are of their time - she did a mirror image of Duncan Grant - just when the Rokeby Venus had just been vandalised by the Suffragettes.  Her work also included a celebration of the imperfect - often chose wonky pots to buy, often painted flowers, cloth, and pots.  Image of daughter - intensely concentrating - pursuing her own interests - reading - gesture indicates concentration by the post - head down, shoulders forward, toes in.

Vanessa Bell, Angelica reading.

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