Thursday, 18 January 2018

17/1/18 - Tutorial with Jill and Imogen

I'm feeling thoroughly confused.  My tutorial went well while I was up in Coventry but now I feel confused, unfocussed and aimless.

I started showing my 3 samplers - Mrs Konieczny, Self Portrait and Aunt Joan - to Jill and Imogen.  Jill was amazed at them - the difference between seeing something on screen, and in reality.  I agree with her, that it is very different to see the actual object, to seeing an image on a screen.  I'm always somewhat surprised when people really like them - so many people pass them by - so when someone understands how long they take to make, and the feeling and respect for the person that is imbued in the work, it is reassuring but also unusual.

I told them about how I had used Schwartz's Value Chart in the NPG.  I'd used it to make quick value judgements on imagery based on gut feel - which is how psychometric testing on self assessed personality questionnaires is conducted. You don't agonise about the rating, you just get on with it.  This was obviously not what they thought appropriate.  They felt I was using a tool out of context.  Which it is, but using a tool out of context can give insights not otherwise available.  If I wanted to analyse the values in paintings, they were talking about measuring the tonal value, size, space occupied by different people in the images, and creating, manipulating and analysing big data.  This is not what I want to do.  I don't have the skills, and I don't have that level of data rationality.

My notes of the meeting are not great.  Too much information was coming at me too fast.

I need to deliver 2 x 5,000 words.  Two chapters (of what?) (By September?)
One is an enhanced literature review.
The other is either 5,000 words of writing, or a piece of artwork.

At my Performance Review Panel in September(?) there will be an independent assessor (possibly Graham Charlton, painter or Lee ... artist, from Coventry)

Jill suggested that my reading/writing could focus on:

Context of stitch
Value of stitch
Purpose/value of decoration
Purpose/value of pattern - what happened with the colonial

She suggested I look at Michael Brennan Wood's work.  I loathe it.  Pointless depictions of flowers.
Imogen suggested I do some artist research - of which I have done a lot.  She suggested I categorise the work that I like and dislike to identify patterns and trends.  I know I like work with a strong narrative.  I'll do this.

Imogen also suggested I look at her book Contemporary Crafts and use the bibliography to direct my reading.  I need to identify the key dates from 1979 for what happened when.  Peter Dormer - The Culture of Craft.  Also Glenn Adamson.  Create a chart for key dates.  Don't divorce industrial from domestic (what industrial? what domestic?  How?).  Stay broad.  Look at men using textiles - I get hacked off with this.  I'm interested in how women are represented in museums, and the fact that very few textiles get shown in museums, but often when textiles are shown, it's men who are often showcased for their 'non-stereotypical' use of textiles, like Michael Brennan Wood and Richard McVetis.  What might be interesting is 'what' are the differences between men's and women's textile work and 'why' does men's work and women's work get their respective prominence?  Look at samplers directing what women were.

For PhD, research students are required to produce 25,000 words.  Text has to back up the work.

Female making in stitch.
Values of decorative (holds meaning culturally and personally eg in borders)
Cultural Capital
Economic Capital
Values ascribed to gender

I struggle with finding right search terms.  Often cannot get access at home.  Jill/Imogen said often you can only get access when on site.  So I need to spend more time in the library at Coventry.
Try searching under Decoration, female, gender.

Join British Library.  Closer to home and very helpful staff.

As a female visual arts practitioner, construct a narrative, using non-traditional means.

Create a funnel: Not sure whether I should start at the top or bottom?

  Why it is of value?
    Cultural Values
       Writing re value of stitch
           What is displayed?
             Me - Practice - lived experienced

Create a list of words for how I work.

I don't have the skills to do the research I am actually interested in  - How are the values of women portrayed in art exhibitions in museums?.  I'd be better off working in a team, where the leaders are experienced in the type of research being conducted, and I'm the worker doing the grunt of data collection, while I learn the skills required.  Maybe what Jill and Imogen are suggesting is taking a different route to the goal.

I feel I am getting further and further away from knowing what my question is.


Get/read Contemporary Crafts - ordered 17/1.
Start reading from its bibliography
While waiting for book to arrive, keep working on Aunt Joan's sampler.  This needs to be finished so I can move on.
Read more of The Subversive Stitch.
21 Jan - Look at May Morris exhibition at William Morris Gallery
23-26 Jan - Contemporary Watercolours art class.  Start new body of work about public toilets for Liverpool St toilet attendants.
Library book search - Dormer/Adams-on
Conduct library word search for articles - textiles-narrative-women; gender-stitch-value; decoration-female-gender etc
Categorise my artist research folder to identify what is meaningful to me.
Create a chart for key dates in feminist art.
Join British Library
Create funnel of thought as above
Create list of words for how I work.

I'm still feeling confused but with a list of things to do, at least I'm no longer aimless!

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