Monday, 30 April 2018

Thinking about my literature/artist review

I've decided I'm an artist, not an author.  I'm struggling with the writing, but I persevere because it is so useful to the thinking behind the artwork.

I've been writing about Grayson Perry and Object in the Foreground.  It is a brilliant piece about masculinity, what it is, and what it does.  I'm definitely interested in how women are treated as the Other to men.  A friend said a lot of what I'm looking at is related to post-colonialism - which came into thought/teaching after I left school, so all my interest base has been initiated from my own thinking and observation, and will be expanded by reading around the subject.

GP's book The Descent of Man has been very informative, and I have far more to say because of reading it, than I should put in his artist review.  But upskilling my writing ability, is leading me to conclude that what I want to write about 'men do and women appear', articulated by both GP and John Berger, may fit better in another section of the essay.  This is an essay about Valuing Women, not GP!

But I am so, so, slow with the writing.  Stitch is so much easier!

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