Friday, 13 July 2018

Another tutorial - peace of mind about the Ethics policy


Wednesday 11 July 2018 

I saw Imogen on Wednesday 11 July 2018. 

We clarified what I’d got confused about the Ethics form from last tute.  I thought Imogen had said it needed to be reworked because of the change in law about data protection.  Actually she had said it needed to be checked for validity, and changed – if necessary. We looked up my previous ethics form, and fortunately it covers what I was doing at the time, but also now, so it is still valid.  The only advice Imogen gave, was that if I had to interview in someone’s home (eg my cousin), it would be good practice to leave my location and contact details with a responsible adult (my husband, Jim or Eastside Community Heritage) and ring them when I finished the interview to confirm all ok and on way home.

I explained I’d been to see Eastside Community Heritage, and in the interim, when I was confused about Ethics validity, I’d suspended my interviewing, but spent my time transcribing others’ interviews.  This was skill development, in using other computer packages for voice recording. Also ECH informed me that, not only were they using 2 of my quotes about my Aunt Daisy, Ford Machinist, on their trailer for the Dagenham community festivals, but they so liked my description of what the strike was about (unskilled -v- semi-skilled grading) that they have used my voice recording for their voiceover. I think it is because I have the right accent for the area, and describe legal definitions in simple language.  How good is that!  

I’m looking forward to going to the ECH community events in Barking & Dagenham.  I’m hoping to meet some of the actual Ford machinists, and I’d like to make contacts that I can follow up.  I’d very much like my 5thsampler to be about the/a machinist(s).

I showed Imogen photos of my various sketchbooks.  I’ve created a new, handmade concertina (11” x 23”) about cleaners tools, drawn in red and black, using an identity card.  There is some serendipity in how some images have been cropped.  One has a bit of a phallic image on it – actually the end of a nozzle – but I’ve kept it in, because Sarpong had recently had a man expose himself to her, and she was upset about it. I want to convey some of what they encounter.

We had a discussion about what to include in my PRP.  I will bring most of my artwork, sketchbooks, stitch, folders with research. 


CMT to look up Mierle Laderman Ukeles – sanitation artwork; manifesto for maintenance art.

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