Sunday, 3 February 2019

Notes of Tutorial – Jill Journeaux, Cathy MacTaggart

Tuesday 29 January 2019

I saw Jill at Coventry on 29 January.  We went through Imogen’s comments on my draft.  We were not completely sure what Imogen’s comments indicated.  I think in the first paragraph I need to clearly define my research question, and the second paragraph needs to lay out the aims and objectives – bullet points will be fine.  

Imogen is not clear about the format of the Research chapter.  I struggle with defining a structure and need to work within a defined order and method.  What I’ve done, is to use the Research chapter to explain the different research methods I’ve used, and give an example of where each method has led me. Jill thought Imogen wanted this chapter divided into Literature Review and other methods – I need to check this with Imogen as she is leading on writing.

JJ suggested I used the last paragraph of history of samplers and first paragraph of Contemporary Makers to lay down the themes for my own work: women, home, repression.  
JJ suggested I improve my signposting.  Sometimes I do it, and sometimes I don’t.  I’m not clear about how and when to do it.  Some suggested forms of words would be useful.  

Look at labour of art. Ruskin, Morris, Cziksentmihalyi. Value of, or not.  

Send all mail to both JJs emails as she has no confidence that her IT access will remain consistent at change of contract.

Continue making.  Ford Machinist sampler has the border completed (production line of car seats) and Ford font alphabet started.

I’ve done a Jacobean Embroidery class at V&A with Dr Lynn Hulse and Nicola Jarvis.  Great class, enjoyed the historical technique, blackwork. Enjoying the Royalist symbolism.  Also booked on Metal Thread Embroidery with same team at School of Textiles in Coggeshall, with Mary Schoeser.  On waiting list for Richard McVetis 18-24 Feb at West Dean.

We discussed venues for exhibition.  I’ve had a great idea for a venue – William Morris Gallery, Walthamstow.  They do take exhibitions, but are very selective – ‘inspired by nature’ is not enough.  However because my artwork is handcraft based; has a left leaning political message, it could fit.  I will go there on Thursday 31 Jan to speak to them and have a close look at the venue. Fingers crossed!  Jill also said there was a delay with refurb at Coventry so there is a possibility of a venue there as well.

CMT to continue making
CMT to speak to IR, before amending essay further.
CMT to attend reading group 6/2/19
CMT to speak to William Morris Gallery

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