Thursday, 15 October 2015

Thinking about my Research Question for my tutorial

I have been thinking about how to define my research question.  I ended up going back to my initial application paperwork, and found I had defined my interests quite well.  It made quite a good starting point to apply some of the points from Linden's lecture.

My initial question is:

How does UK Society define, recognise and attribute value to specific groups?

What do I mean by UK Society?
What values (skills, contributions...) do we attribute to specific groups?
How are groups recognised in our society? (inclusion/exclusion; visibility in Govt stats; on tv; in art; positive/negative portray in media; status)
What do we value about other people?
Which specific groups do I mean? Migrants.  Is it an historic group or current?  I keep moving between the two.  Is it good to start with the Huguenots, then move on to a modern group in later research?
Does UK society value similarities or differences when comparing migrants to self?

Purpose: to identify the values given to Huguenot refugees
: to demonstrate people who are different to the indigenous community contribute in a variety of ways (positive or negative?)

My answers will be dependent on contemporary analysis and judgement of historical facts.

Assumptions: Contemporary views on present day migration are based on/influenced by:
- worries about "other";
- taking our jobs;
- undercutting our wages;
claiming our benefits.
Historical migrants - romanticised, often by genealogists when it is "my history"  and/or selective or sanitised "we moved house because we wanted to live in a better area" not "My Mum did not want Asians for neighbours".

Faults in assumptions - not everyone feels like this.

My point of view:  I am not in favour of unfettered migration, but I want people valued for their skills.  I am a skilled person, who had been under-valued in a manual industry by white working class men, because I was an intelligent, non-submissive woman.

My insights: other minority groups are probably treated similarly (but not the same!).

Other points of view:  How the incoming community see/saw us.
How the incoming community see/saw their role as migrants and what they wanted to achieve by leaving their country of origin and living in country of arrival.  How the country of origin views migrants departure and the consequences of it.

I definitely need help identifying Concepts and Theories on which to base my research.

I hope this is what you wanted as prep for tute.

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