Tuesday, 23 February 2016

A helpful tutorial with Lewis

Lewis asked what I made of his suggestion with the Gender symposium at Loughborough University.  I said I was thinking about putting in a proposal, but needed to rework it as my proposal was likely to change.  He was pleased I was prepared to put myself forward, as he felt I could talk and present well.  He is an experienced conference organiser and has shortlisted applications in response to Calls for Papers.  He is happy to proof read my abstract.  It was quite comforting to have him confirm my potential to put in an abstract - as I had been having a major wobble about it.  Lewis also suggested I spoke to Linden about it.  Date for submission - 23 March - so time to think about it.

Lewis said he and Linden had been puzzled by my two submissions - Literature Review and Contextual Review.  I had only intended to submit one - the first, the literature review, was submitted before I realised I should have included the whole context rather than just the literature.  So I confused them!.  I said I had gone a bit astray in the Proposal because I followed Linden's reading recommendations, then stopped when I had enough data, rather than keep referring back to what actually motivated and interested me.  So I did not write about Values, and did not make sure my research into values was derived from the opinion of individuals - therefore did not include Oral History research technique in my proposal.  This was a mistake.  I think he agreed that I should use this method.  

I have arranged to do my first Oral History research with Miriam Pender, daughter of Mrs Konieczny on 11 March - a bit later than I would like, but she is away for 10 days, then I am away for a week. But at least it is booked.

We did a group exercise in class today, related to Marie's research.  Great fun.  Linden asked for other group exercises.  I floated my idea about Values.

Identify a woman who you know/knew personally and identify 4 values that make you like/respect/admire her.
Identify a man who you know/knew personally and identify 4 values that make you like/respect/admire him.
Identify a female public figure and identify 4 values that make you like/respect/admire her
Identify a male public figure and identify 4 values that make you like/respect admire him.

Linden was keen to run with this one, and to do the analysis in class for what drives our values and whether there is a gender bias to it.

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