Thursday, 24 November 2016

Working out my presentation

Next week we have to give a 10 minute presentation to class on an aspect of our Methodology.  I am not going to do a powerpoint, just have some visual aids and talk through it.  I think my presentation will show how my methods cascade into each other.

1. Personal values table.  Raw data provided by other people on the values they associate and how it is demonstrated. Value/positive behaviour/negative behaviour/object.

2. Sketchbook which develops comments and objects into a visual form.

3. Free association writing which develops the narrative about a behaviour or object

4. Self recording to gain a voice/colloquial feel.

5. Apply best ideas to stitch.

Pushing boundaries - art class, John Locke primary/secondary artwork - exhibition book Fritz Klemm - line image of me pushing a wall - writing about occasions when I have pushed boundaries (student exchange, Aus) - self-recording to enable auditory people to understand my reasoning

The cutting remark - art class cyanotype of scalpel - stories of my waspish remarks "If you knew your disciplinary procedures, you would not instruct me to issue a warning without an adequate fact finding!" - writing Bhuta's story - self-recording Bhuta's story - work a scalpel in stitch (yet to be resolved).

Visual aids:
1. Personal values table;
2. Values sketchbook and pushing figure;
3. Scalpel;
4. Exhibition book;
5. Facing the World exhibition catalogue;
6. Photo of stitch border.

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