Thursday, 16 March 2017

Struggling with my Theory Essay.

I feel as if I am stumbling in treacle.  I don't seem to be finding anything in my reading that fits with what I want to say.

I've had another tute with Linden but don't feel any further forward.  I'm getting plenty of input, but I'm not making progress.  I'm getting so wound up about it, I could absolutely sit and weep.

Read Mark Johnson - 'moral imagination'.  Everything is embedded in language.  Q: how does this impact on language - totally.
What are the stories that enable women to be represented less/worse than men?
Attitudes of senior managers.

Empirical evidence - why?

Analysis of women and values in art.

Irigaray - spoke about the gendered imaginary - i.e. not about sex.

Find one aspect of female imaginary, and one of male imaginary.
     Caring - or we don't want to say this.                Target driven - falsification of stats.

Feminine not allowed to speak - Spivak

Ongoing project



Gender  - differences - male/female.  Targeted to one sex.  Radio 4 Management styles and how senior managers (men) talk differently to M and W.

Collect pertinent quotations - think of them to be strung together like beads on a necklace.

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