Tuesday, 21 March 2017

"Valuing". - a key point

Values: Reviving a Dormant Concept.  Steven Hilton and Jane Allen Piliavin, University of North Carolina, Annual Review of Sociology 2004.

Value based behaviour suggests more cognitive control over one's actions 
Traits are enduring dispositions, both positive and negative.  
Values are enduring goals, primarily positive.  
People refer to values when justifying behaviour as legitimate.   Values serve as standards for judging others' (and own) behaviour.  (Roccas S, Sagive, LSSH, Knife A, 22002.  The five big personality factors and personal values.  Pers Soc Psych Bull 28: 879-801) 

Values are a group level phenomenon requiring shared agreement ... which are measured as an individual level construct.  People acting in accordance with values do not feel pushed as they do when acting under normative pressure.  

Values give meaning to action "enduring beliefs that a specific mode of conduct is personally or socially preferable to an opposite mode of conduct". Rokeach M 1973, The Nature of Human Values, NY, Free Press.

Contemporary psychology treats value as a noun.   Less attention is paid to valuing as a process.  (valuing as a verb). key finding.  explore

Look up sociological pragmatist theory.

Williams 1979.  "Values are cognitive structures that provide information that gets coupled to emotion and leads to action"

Lydon JE and Zanna MP 1990.  Values seem to be related to the commitment individuals maintain in the face of adversity.  Commitment in the face of adversity is a value affirmation approach.  Journal of Pers Soc Psychol 58: 1040-47

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