Monday, 6 November 2017

Exploring my Abstract for my Literature Review

I went for a swim after class and the thoughts started to come together.  Tomorrow's session is the first writing practice.  I don't know whether to be delighted or scared.

I've been reading about Nancy Hartsock's Situated Knowledge which basically says all knowledge comes from the perspective of the individual, therefore is partial and conflicting.  I want my literature review to cover this ground to try to identify what values are formed and held by women, but at present my reading only indicates that these gender specific knowledges are present, not what they typically are about.  So not only do I need to explore Situated Knowledge but also I'd like to identify some specific fields of situated knowledge (like Gilligan - women typically operate with an ethics of caring).  I think I'd like to identify 3 fields of Situated Knowledge.  I was reading another (political) article which said women were more likely to support government policies that focussed on education and health care, so maybe these might be my next two areas of Value that are associated with women.

So my slightly amended abstract for the literature review is:

"The aim of this literature review is to explore why, what and how women value other women.  The time range has been restricted to the last 30 years - 1987 to date.  The literature review uses the concept of Situated Knowledge to identify values associated with women.  It aims to identify different methodologies by which women's values have been explored, and to consider how the outcome of the research is impacted by the method.  Further analysis will take place to identify how the values of women have been represented in art, by women, with examples of media which have a materiality that resonates with the subject."

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