Thursday, 18 October 2018

Successful Trip to Coventry

Today I had a tutorial in Coventry.  I was worried about my essay feedback, partly because I could not read the advice on my computer - not loading properly - but on the train I accessed it on my phone, and although it was tiny script, the feedback was less negative than I expected.  I also took my newly finished sampler.

I wanted to show it to the Interserve Supervisor at Liverpool St, but did not want to run up and down platforms while hurrying to cross London.  So I decided, that if my train came in to platform 18, I'd go to the supervisors office on the platform, and if it didn't, I'd go straight across London.  We came into platform 18, so I went into the office, and met Leon, a supervisor I'd not met before.  He was surprised to see me, astonished at the work involved and delighted that I wanted to represent his staff this way.  He took some photos, and wanted Gifti, Mavis and Sarpong to see it, but understood I needed to get a move on.  I floated the idea to get an article about my work and his staff in their staff magazine.  I rushed off to get my next train.

Tutorial 18.10.18
Attendees:  Jill Journeaux, Cathy MacTaggart

I showed Jill my Migrant Worker Woman sampler, which is now finished. She liked the different drawing styles and said I needed to explain in my Making Chapter about why I used all different styles, and how it utilised different making cultures (Hockney’s Chinese scroll format, Asanti line drawings, scribbly lines).

Jill was keen for me to be the subject of an interview that explores my making process.  This is the original part of my thesis, and currently under-investigated within Academia. 

Purpose – to better explain my thinking process.  Elucidate the:
- How of my creative making; 
- How my drawing relates to my stitching
- Why drawing is a prerequisite to stitching

For the essay, both she and Imogen were pleased with progress to date and felt I was ahead of the game.  I was relieved to hear this, as it gives contingency time for illness or upset. This means I am about on track. 

Things to consider for my writing are:

Explore narrative in samplers
Explore intelligent story making and pattern making
Explore my art media preferences - lino cuts, monoprint, drawing with identity cards/tools
What I chose to draw – objects owned by the women; similar objects from toilets but not the actual ones, because of sensitivity about taking images in toilets etc; NOT from photos.
The use of time intensive, slow making  and slow viewer interpretation – against fast moving modern lives bombarded constantly with text and moving images.

We spoke about my possibility to do a drawing class with Caroline Bartlett.  I would need to get objects used by Ford Machinist women.  Jill came up with the phrase ‘drawing attention’ which would make a lovely sketch book title.

We discussed exhibition spaces for next year.  We both ruled out off-site locations because of security of artworks.  3 options: Elm Bank, Lanchester Library; Alan Berry reception area

Date of next tutorial: Wednesday 7 November
Look up Hockney making philosophy
Speak Vanda re interview or identify another available skilled person.
Check availability West Dean Course with Caroline Bartlett 
Talk to Doctoral College at Elm Bank.  Useful to them to show how Masters student work can lead to PhD. Talk to Lanchester Library re space – Jill Evans – subject Librarian.
Talk to  Alan Berry Building – has large reception area – speak to receptionist.

I then went on to lunch with Darren.  He's getting really excited about Derrida's and Foucault's mirror theories and hopes to draw original conclusions for his work on the selfie.  We discussed him coming to stay for a few days in Essex, which is inconvenient because he now has lecturing work (at last!  Hurrah!).  Then I discovered he's no longer going back to South Africa for Christmas, and neither is his brother coming over.  So I invited him to stay with us, and he appeared pleased and delighted to have an invitation!  I suggested some day trips to Cambridge, Lavenham, and a walk along Frinton seafront, and this went down well.  

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