Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Tutorial 2/10/18


Tuesday 2 October 2018 

First tutorial of the university year. I explained I had nearly finished the Migrant Worker Woman sampler, but was hesitating over stitching the bristles on the toilet brushes, because they need to be really accurate.  To get this right, I will trace onto tissue paper, tack in position, and stitch.  Time for a brave pill!  Manual Worker Woman will be next, and I’m starting the artwork soon at class,  and research via contacts with Eastside Community Heritage and East End Women’s Musuem.  I have ideas about contacting the Ford Archive Dagenham, and Detroit. Jill suggested Halewood too.  

Argumentative Woman is being exhibited at the ‘I am a Woman and this is my Legacy’ exhibition in Barking.  I had staged it on 1 October -  Private View is on Thursday 4 October.  

We discussed progress on writing. I observed that it appeared that a lot of the reading and research had been done, and now it was a question of how to use it.  Jill advised Schon, Reflective Practitioner to consider the outcomes of my making practice.  I am starting to get my head around a ‘writing up year’ which had always seemed quite alien to me before.   Jill suggested I use the essay template listed in my presentation to structure and collate all my writing so far, to create the thesis first draft, for next tutorial.  Then we can annotate it, for me to develop and evolve it.  This will make a large and unwieldy document, so I will create separate documents for each chapter.  ( I will send this early as I have a family wedding on 11 October and guests the week after). 

We discussed drafts.  I said a useful tip from Writing Week last year, was that FAR too many theses submitted were at the 1st/2nddraft stage and that competent theses tended to be at the 12thdraft! Jill said 6/7 drafts would be acceptable!  I find it really helpful to have the critique in order to get it right!

Jill said she had just been notified that the Lanchester Gallery was out of commission with immediate effect due to building works.  We needed to find an alternative location for my exhibition.  This will be a solo exhibition as no-one else is finishing their studies at that time.  On site or off site to be considered.  Immediate thoughts are:  libraries; council offices, Herbert Art Gallery.  Groups to invite/publicise to: WI, women’s groups/refuges, council/university cleaners, migrant groups …

Jill suggested I get someone (Vanda?) to interview me about my practice and include a 1500 word interview in the thesis.

Next tutorial – Thursday 18 October 1230.
CMT to read Schon, Reflective Practioner.
CMT to create first thesis draft, and send to Jill by Wednesday 10 October.  One email, with separate documents for chapters.  CMT to bring hard copy to tutorial.
JJ to read and comment/annotate by tutorial on 18 October
CMT to consider exhibition venues.

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