Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Notes of tutorial 14.3.19

Notes of Tutorial – Jill Journeaux, Cathy MacTaggart
Thursday 14 March 2019

I saw Jill on 14 March 2019 for a wide ranging tutorial.  

We discussed my end of year show.  Jill liked the look of Eastbury Manor, and encouraged me to speak to Katy Morrison re budget.  I had chased Alice, assistant to the premises manager, at Eastbury Manor.  Both the National Trust and London Borough of Barking & Dagenham have to agree to the show and she had spoken to one of them (not sure which) who thought my show was a great idea, but had not spoken to the other.  I will chase again once I know my budget.  

Jill was in agreement with my ideas for timescales for the exhibition – stage on a Tuesday; assessment Wednesday morning, PV Wednesday afternoon; (funded by me/CU); and hopefully Thursday/Friday/Sunday open to public as part of National Trust normal opening hours (funded by NT/LBBD?) with me present to steward.  I think of this as a pop-up show.

We discussed potential assessors, particularly people who would find the East End easy to access. The nearest station to Eastbury Manor is Upney (underground) within walking distance; or Barking (national rail) within a short taxi ride.  Jill wondered about Imogen Aust.  I suggested Flea Cooke, who retired from University of Herts in 2011.  JJ/IR to resolve.

Jill said Imogen was unclear about how much primary research I had done.  I need to work out how to demonstrate my primary research in my writing. I make a list of the primary research by sampler.  I also do a lot of contextual research, recorded in my exhibition book, and will list the major items.  Most of the contextual research is listed on my blog.

Jill asked for 500 words on Characteristics and Innovation evidenced in my work.  Focus on:  Unseen women; narrative; hand made; skilled making; advocacy; use of samplers to reframe the message.

We debated me taking a break from study after the MA.  Jill understood my desire for extentive travel by bike; also suggested applying for funding from Coventry, City of Culture to run stitch workshops looking at women’s values, with community groups.  This might be a really good idea – to develop new skills and confidence; take an academic break, then carry on studying.


CMT to write to Katy Morrison re budget – done
CMT to contact Eastbury Manor re exhibition and get consent/dates
JJ/IR to liaise re assessors
CMT to list primary research and contextual research and send to IR
CMT to write 500 words on Characteristics and Innovation
CMT to investigate funding opportunity with Coventry, City of Culture.  Geoff Willcox.arx177@cov.ac.uk.

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