Monday, 4 March 2019

Options for Exhibition

I've not been able to even think about my exhibition for the last couple of months.  That would have required innovative thinking and I've struggled to cope with writing, let alone promoting myself as an effective artist and student!  However, my usual New Year depression has lifted and it's now March.  Time to get on with it.

So discussion today in class was quite helpful.  I'd been thinking about going to Eastbury Manor in Barking to whether I could hire a room for my exhibition.  It's only open Thursday, Friday and Sunday, so I will go down to talk to staff on Thursday.   It's also the temporary office space for the East End Women's Museum.  I think my work fits well with the EEWM, and Eastbury Manor is in the right geographical area.

Class members also came up with other venues:  Hoxton gallery; Braintree Museum; Espacio (used by City Lit); Warners Textile Archive (already explored).  Or I could explore availability at Coventry, given the refurbishment of the building has slippage, and may be available in July/September.

Vanda made some useful comments.  On her Masters course, the end of year exhibition was a module in itself.  My exhibition has just been mentioned to me, and absolutely left to me to organise.  Initial information from my tutor was that I could share a show with another student, who then ended up doing a wholly written Masters on the Domestic, with no artwork input.  So it's going to be a solo show.  Vanda came up with a few helpful comments:

Get in touch with Eastbury Manor - is an exhibition viable here in September?
Hold end of year show at Coventry for assessment purposes, and create plan for exhibition in 2 years somewhere else.
Try getting on the Steering Group for EEWM to build relationships.  Use this to set up exhibition in EEWM when it opens in 2020 and along with community outreach projects.

I feel much more positive about the exhibition.

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