Friday, 31 May 2019

Feeling a lot brighter

I've been plodding stoically with my essay.  Then I got to the stage where I started Chapter 4, Exhibition.  This involved adding lots of photos of my work and rationale for what is going to be in the exhibition.  It made me feel better.

I've also spoken to the new adminstrator for Bow Arts (the previous one has moved on).  She confirmed she knew all about my exhibition (even though I've not had the invoice which was making me anxious about whether the booking was accepted).  I'm going up to RAWLabs tomorrow to see it as a venue-in-operation as there is a PV there from 6pm.  She confirmed I could screw lightweight shelves to the walls, provided I made good afterwards.  I feel much more relaxed about it now.

Just writing Chapter 4 - Exhibition is making me feel better.  I can see the photos need to be retaken, with better lighting, but it's all coming together and I can see how to do it (previously I could not).  Also looking at the photos of my work, in a chapter, correctly credited, is making me feel good, just by looking at it.  I'm starting to believe in it.

Whereas the writing does not.  It reinforces I'm an artist, not an author.  I am really starting to believe my artwork is good and has a strong narrative.  My writing is nothing like as good, but that's OK.  I remembered a quote from Tilleke Schwartz on a workshop "I don't theorise my work. I just make it". That's how I feel about my work.  I'm not a theorist.  I'm a maker, who looks at her world and how women are treated, and responds to it.

Fig … Cathy MacTaggart, A Traditional Woman?, Cyanotype on sewing pattern directions, 14.5cm x 50cm, 2017

Fig … Cathy MacTaggart, Non-Standard Use of Directions, cyanotype on sewing pattern directions, 50cm x 20cm, 2017

Fig … Cathy MacTaggart, The Caring Hand of Mother, pink gloving leather on paper pattern, 2016

And I've even started a rich fruit cake for the PV.  This shows I'm confident I'm going to make it to this stage!!!

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