Thursday, 2 May 2019

Tutorial 1/5/19


1 MAY 2019

I’d sent in the latest versions of Intro/Ch1; Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. 

-      All images need to be 1/3rdof a page in the text, and a full page in the appendices. High res photos.  All artwork for exhibition needs to be included in appendices. 
-      I don’t have the required photographic skills – try WEA, or FE/HE colleges to find a photographer. Or Matthew Gonzales Noda, CU student.
-      Final submission date for essay 20/9/19.  
-      Chapter 4 – Exhibition needs to be written in anticipation, with a 1 page appendix reflexive piece about it.
-      Include references to Parker in Intro/Ch1.  
-      Put Montenegrin stitch in Appendix – primary research, so not in main text.  And photos of progress.  More about the time it took and reflections. To simulate their gestures and their experience. Why rejected.  And Elizabethan chain stitch.
-      Use footnotes for areas where I touch on a well-rehearsed debate but am not going to describe it. Eg how women have been seen – see Pollock and Mulvey.
-      In Intro, Manet and art history goes in Appendix.
-      Change 1stsentence.  This thesis underpins a body of work that explores representations of under-valued women through stitched samplers and drawings.  Explores what women do and how they do it.  Challenging masculine/paternalistic powerbase through practice.  Explain how I do it and how I deliver it.
-      Include Subversive Stitch p5 When women work it is craft.  Parker.
-      Contact Doctoral College about training for viva.
-      Working class and middle class need to be hyphenated throughout.
-      Add in multiple references eg Strang, Nochlin, Pollock about women in art. And Gendory (?) and Mulvey.
-      Avoid debate about female nude. Delete.

Ch1 - Samplers.  
-      Talk about history to underpin my practice and repetition of same themes coming up in  historical work.  
-      Cut purpose
-      Time and Holofernes.  Talk about how much time the needlelace would have taken.  Better photo.  Stress skill, patience and time.  
-      Add in footnotes about visits to properties.  List all visits and what I saw as appendix.

Drop Value.  Too slippery.  Portraying Women’s Actions through Stitch.  Write from my Making to the research.  

P2 Chapter 3. Reference a book on interview technique.
Write about Mrs Konieczny in Appendix.  Explain her and Theorum – alternative spelling.  

Cut Sara Impey.

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