Monday, 22 July 2019

Bombshell - change of exhibition dates.

Just had an email from RAWlabs.  They need to change the dates of my exhibition, from 13-15 September to 23-25 August, ie the weekend of the August Bank Holiday.

Have emailed Imogen, who says run with it.  She can't make it as she will be gallivanting in the USA.  Lucky her!  We think the assessors will be able to do it but not sure yet - but I have to run with it.

Actually I am quite glad the date has been brought forward.  I'm ready to get on with it.  There is just a little work left on the Manual Woman sampler, but other than that, all the artwork is done.  I hope Darren can change the dates - he's waiting on a date for his Progress Review.

I need to make a plan for everything that needs to be done to hit the new date.

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