Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Private View welcome

Introductions - me and Darren/Vanda
Thanks - Jim, tutors, art class
Purpose of PV:
- to celebrate the end of 4 years study;
- to show work - Stitching (In)Significant Women
- to meet other people, look at art, drink coffee, eat chocolate and have a good time

Purpose of Art - to communicate human experience

Women - valued differently to men.
Museums - show men with power and status, women as sexualised, passive, submissive
I see things differently.
Not about The Great and The Good.  Not women as pseudo-men
What do women do? Mundane? Ordinary?  Under-valued?  Unnoticed?

Explain samplers - start with working class alphabets, imagery and a verse.  Strongly female - good for art about women.

Explain my process:
Idea for Migrant Worker Woman came when walking through Liverpool St station.
Particularly pleased to welcome Gifti, Mavis and Sarpong.
Floated idea with Samuel - who thought it was so wonderful he hugged me.
Interviewed M, G, S
The power of art - drawing mundane cleaning bottles; cropped image - accidentally communicates human experience - nice, and otherwise!
Sketchbooks enable a narrative.  - Different types of sketchbook - format adds to narrative.
Work up into concertina sketchbook
Read Oulipo poem
Wrote verse, translated into Twi by Robert
Important things at top - Twi alphabet and verse at top.
Robert to read Twi verse to G, M, S.
I read out verse in English.
Medasi (everyone to say it)

My work is about women known to me, therefore no matter how much I have tried to take others's views into account, is from my perspective, and includes values important to me.
Please think of women important to you, and add them to the message board. Use the format of the sampler verse - My (relationship to you) (name); Can (list 4 reasons why you value them).

So please, look at the work, talk to each other, drink coffee and have a good time.

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