Sunday, 18 August 2019

Richard McVetis class at RAY-stitch

Wonderful class 2 x Thursday evening..  Richard is a really nice guy - kind, gentle, unassuming.

We did simple stitches. The first evening we did straight stitches.  On the circle  I did different weights - thin straight stitches of different lengths working in from the edge, and thicker cross hatching.  Then whipped running stitch around the hexagon - I used fine loops on the whipping, and thick tightly pulled stitches.  I also did kantha running stitch in blue across a circle.  Finally that night I did the fine seeding that Richard specialises in, on the square.

The second week, I stitched some finer stitches on the square, and refined my effect a bit.  Then I couched a heavy thread around a square using reflective thread; blanket stitched from the inside and outside on the triangle, and used some contrasting weights of thread for the fly stitch.  I also tried some horsehair to couch down with a fine thread, which gave an interesting effect. 

Nothing I had not done before, but very, very enjoyable to revisit with a diverse bunch of stitchers - From youngsters just doing their class at the RA, all the way through to my age, mostly women with one man, and several saying they had found stitch helped them stay well during the mental turmoil of a demanding job.  Hurrah!

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