Sunday, 25 August 2019

Second Day of Show

This did not get off to a good start.

On the evening of Day One, Jim and I growled at each other, because I snapped at him through sheer tiredness.  We have two guests, which is upsetting Jim's routine.  Then the following morning (day two of the show) my brother turned up unannounced at our home, was his usual rude, thoughtless self and upset Jim further.  My brother also exhausted my aunt (one of my guests) and he is likely to turn up again on day three, and upset people again.  So I have a stressed household.

Darren and I went by train to RAWLabs to steward the show.  I had been told by the venue organisers that stewarding would not be necessary, but I wanted to be there.   They were right.  There were only 2 visitors all day, partly because it is the bank holiday weekend.  I could have done this by myself.  However, it is part of my learning to attend.

Darren and I will steward day 3, because I know some friends have planned to attend.

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