Thursday, 29 November 2018

Tutorial with Jill, 28/11/18

I told Jill of my activities over the last 2 weeks – Visit to National Archive and East End Women’s Museum celebration for Women and Factories project.    My visit to National Archive reading the Scamp Report had incensed me because of the incompetence of the investigation, but had inspired me to make artwork about my findings.  We identified working within Archives could something I would take forward. 

I attended the EEWM Women and Factories celebration, and met the newly appointed Director of the EEWM (missed her name).  This was a useful contact.  The East End Women’s museum is planned to open late 2019, and she is planning funding streams first.  While swimming I had an idea about an exhibition of my work.  My samplers are all about women in the East London, so the EEWM is the optimal venue.  Additionally, I could run workshops with interested groups, to identify women who they value and make artwork about these women.  Jill said to follow up this idea.

Jill advised me to do the reading suggested last time:Walter Benjamin, The Arcades Project; Steven Scrivener, Cognitive Surprise; Donald Schon, the double loop of learning; Linda Candy, the transformative spiral of research. (I’d focussed on writing and visiting last week; reading will be done next week). Expand Csikszentmihalyi. Insert reflective reading/analysis throughout text. Show evidence of understanding of reflective practice.  Jill liked my writing to date – more needed about rubber glove.  Consider what others can see/interpret in my work, as well as my point of view as artist.  Also use time to reflect on work and review them from a distance.  Use a mirror to look at work, from a different perspective (similar to flipping photos on phone).

Jill liked the image The Caring Hand of Mother.  Since starting work on Intellectual Woman, my work has changed, and in part, simplified. Advised to reflect on why The Caring Hand of Mother is effective as it is so simple.  Read Steven Scrivener – cognitive surprise.  Compare and contrast Intellectual Woman – Home Maker Woman and The Caring Hand of Mother.  Identify how it is so potent, with simplicity.  I identified that Intellectual Woman used too many words (telling), whereas The Caring Hand of Mother was simple, did not use words, and allowed the viewer to come up with their own meaning – further analysis required.

Stack images together; identify similarities/differences; identify how I have achieved the effect. 

Lots of reading. 
Contact EEWM with idea for exhibition at museum after opening date.
Reflect on evolution of work from Intellectual Woman, through artwork, to Migrant Worker Woman.
DONM-     12/12 with JJ and IR; 

-      9/1/19 tutorial, + presentations from Jen and Darren.

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