Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Notes on The Self: As Image, or The Other: As Image

Reading: Fiona Banner, Vanity Press

Representational strategies of othering.  Image, other, identity and powers.  Power of image makers - negative and positive.  Look at Stuart Hall, 1932 Jamaica - he makes things accessible - Reception Studies - how to people understand images.

British Cultural Studies and Post Colonial theory.  Considers difference as an essential concept.  Culture and society.  Perceptions of identity.  Representations produce identity and are acts of power (over others).  My opinion - who gets shown, what gets shown with the image.

Hegemony - elite/power group that gives its view as 'one right answer'.  This is why I always have problems with a hegemonic environment - I believe there are many right answers, depending on the context.  Hegemonic power of capitalism is a false consciousness, because it is not in the best interests of the majority.  It is normalised via culture - media, images, tv.

Cultural theory takes opinion and practices from anthropology, art, science, sociology.  Not fussy where the theory comes from, but is concerned about what it says and how to use it.

Post colonial thoery challenges authority and the hegemonic power of the white male.  Challenges the western assumptions of superiority.  Questions myths of 'civilising' mission, imperialism, racism etc.

Frantz Fanon - The Wretched of the Earth
Edward Said - Orientalism
Gayatri Spivak - excluded voices: the subaltern - the lowest of the low (this might be my subject?)
Homi Bada - the Location of Culture - multiculturalism and hybridity

Race (only 1 - the human race.  Not biological appearance)
Ethnicity (we each have it - common meaning refers to cultural practices and ethnic foods)

Each of the 3 above are Constructed, and are not truths, or typicalities, which is how these terms are commonly used.

Linguistic Difference: meaning comes from relationships between difference.  The binary is a pair of words that are power unequals.  (Sun/moon, black/white, etc).  The use of the signifier (object) within linguistic terms to give the thought (signified) is a choice and acknowledges a grey area.  So there is no black/white, and the binary is inadequate.  We use difference to understand the world when it is difficult, scary, frightening.

Social Difference: Interaction between people gives dialogue - creates meaning.  Social interaction - how you see them and how they see you.  No meaning without a recipient.  Social interactions are constantly encoding and decoding - by the initiator and the recipient.

Cultural Difference: Classifying systems : raw/cooked food; starters/desserts; feast/communion.  Boundaries are needed to keep things pure but what append to outbreaks?  Breaking rules?  Closure against foreigners, close ranks, stigmatise.  Also makes taboos appealing.  Bauhaus - all about functionality - plant forms thrown out.  Things crossing boundaries become transgressors. Who is allowed in your house?  House burglary invades and creates transgression.

Psychic Difference: gendered.  Lacan's mirror - image of self is recognised.

Representational Strategies:


Stereotyping is fixed by nature, essentialising.  Reduces, repeats, exaggerates and simplifies.
Typing is vivid, memorable, easily grasped.

Stereotyping divides normal and acceptable from abnormal and unacceptable.  Plays to inequalities of power and tends to be negative.

Naturalisation defines a 'true' nature in society by the framing of a patriarchal hegemony.  Eg the definition of the Noble Savage - reduces characteristics to something natural.

Ethnocentrism : apply values and norms of own culture to that of others.  Eg Chinese people are odd as they eat dogs.

Infantilisation: Dominant group takes away adult power.  Black slaves not allowed to work for money or own property.  Girl Olympians - not women olympians.  Man is an Olympian, not a boy olympian.  Patronises- via need for care, love and charity.

Fragmentation: reduces a person into constituent parts, e.g. boobs, booty, organs.

Then we looked at images chosen by the class as being offensive on the above terms.  The one that stuck in my mind was of Cristian Ronaldo.

Cristiano Ronaldo advertising jeans
Image courtesy of Deminology.com

We had an extensive debate about this - The overall silhouette is of a phallic image, he is oiled (i.e. playing on sexualisation), the Armani Jeans logo is situated on the belt buckle, which is so low set that the viewer has to look at his crotch; the gaze is hard and dominant.  Revolting (my opinion).

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