Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Research Project Development Proposal

First thoughts:

Research Project Development in Art, Architecture and Design

Valuing Women

Research Project Aims

To gain an broad understanding of value systems and how they relate to gender
To identify how portraits convey a narrative
To expand knowledge on the purpose of the self portrait
To identify feminist artists who use the body, value systems and narrative
To identify my own value system
To demonstrate my analytical skills to research values seen in my behaviour from onlookers
To explore this data in personal artwork in a variety of media
To apply analysed data to my own textile self portrait to articulate my values.

Research Project Questions

How do value systems differ between men/women, typically in a westernized culture?
How does a portrait indicate values and characteristics of an individual?
How does an abstract portrait indicate the values and characteristics of an individual?
How is a portrait made accurate and positive, without being cloying?

Artist Research                                                                   Output

Nancy Spero workshop at City Lit.  Done                           Artwork – scroll
Guerrilla Girls at Whitechapel Gallery and Tate                   Artist Research folder and 
Other feminist artists                                                              Exhibition book                                                                        

Practice based/led Research

Creation of Status Sketchbook – own activity.  Done         Concertina sketchbook
Creation of Values Sketchbook – own activity                   Concertina sketchbook
Attendance at Expressive Printmaking class –                    Portfolio of work
artist led workshop 18-21/10/16
Attendance at Shedio Art class (fortnightly)                        Sketchbook and portfolio

Theoretical Research

Attendance at Cultural Studies for Creative Practitioners    Personal notes
- The Self  11/10/16-13/12/16
Attendance at History of Portraiture class at City Lit           Personal notes
Attendance at Art, Politics & Society 12/1/17-2/2/17          Personal notes

Qualitative Methods

Reflective writing – MA By Project: Valuing Women          Online blog
 http://catherinemactaggart.blogspot.co.uk                             Exhibition Book

Quantitative Methods

Picasso exhibition.                                                                  Database
Identify proportion of men/women depicted.

Reading List

The Body, Chris Schilling, Oxford University Press, 2016
Otherworlds, The art of Nancy Spero and Kiki Smith edited by Jon Bird.  Reaktion Books, London 2003.
Essay - Imagining Otherworlds: Connection and Difference in the Art of Nancy Spero and Kiki Smith, Jon Bird p13-45 
Nancy Spero, Encounters, Joanna S Walker, Ashgate Publishing, 2011
Yvette Russell http://criticallegalthinking.com/2013/06/06/equality-luce-irigaray/#fn-14956-11 (Law lecturer, Queens University, Belfast) Accessed 12/10/16

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