Thursday, 13 October 2016

Tutorial with Linden

I showed Linden my Module proposal with numbered aims.

2. To identify how portraits convey a narrative

Select some portraits (3-6?) carefully for analysis.  Maybe from Medieval, Fritz Klemm, Gwen John and Sofonabisa Anguissola.  Consider the different narrative convention of representation.

Identify my definition of my style  portrait.  Not realism but symbolism.  Linden to send me a one page document with attributes of (something unreadable).

3. To expand knowledge on the purpose of the self portrait.

How people want to be seen?  How does this get used?  Consider Gwen John portrait at National Gallery.  Values - humility, dignity, intelligence is what it says to Linden.  What does it say to me?  Consider Mr & Mrs Andews - 18th c - ownership of the arm around the wife.  Analyse the content.  Look at Rembrandt 'Flora" - 3 versions.

Also consider Toril Moi - Sexual Textual Politics.

Also read Luce Irigaray - gendered imaginary - men chattering, women position self in masculine imaginary.  Society works as a men's imaginary - for a women's imaginary to evolve, it will taken centuries to work it out.  Does this reduce the imaginary to a sex problem?

Not a lot then!

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