Saturday, 8 October 2016

Working my way through MA By Project organisational shambles

I went to our first class on Thursday and came away feeling somewhat dismayed at the shambles of organisation since our Course Tutor, Linden, was maliciously dismissed by the university.  MABP is to run without a course leader, we have no supervisors allocated and we do not have a clear indication of what we are meant to learn, or when.  The remaining tutors and administrators were hedging like crazy whenever any direct questions were asked.

This left me feeling anxious.  However, I am clear about certain facts.  I want to finish my MA and attain the qualification - therefore I am not going to walk away from the course.  I need the structure and the syllabus to direct my learning.  I have read the two course modules and they are clearly defined, and have a good reading  list.  I have been continuing my research during the summer break, and I feel confident that what I have done is good quality.  By reading the module spec for Research Project Development, I need to analyse and critique what I have created - the Status Sketchbook and the Nancy Spero scroll. By reading the spec, it has also made me realise a 4 day print class in 2 weeks time is very appropriate use of time, even if I have to skip a class at uni.

I need to create a plan for this term, by reading the module spec and identifying what actions I am going to take.  This will keep me going until my supervisor is allocated - I desperately hope I am allocated someone who will understand feminism, otherwise my confidence is going to be under attack, and I will be expending negative energy in defending my position rather than in positive energy having a good time finding things out.

I need to get my act together prior to the 4 day print class with Vanda.  I know my theme will be self portrait, focussing on values and behaviours people have fed back to me.  I need to collate some postcards/magazine images of women, with assorted arm positions.  I am starting to think that body language in general and arm positions in particular are important. Men/modern media appear to promote  images of women with their arms down (in lap, round children) whereas I think other arm positions indicate other, to my mind, more positive, attributes.  For example the arm up in triumph, the arm outstretched in swim racing, and the arms assertively on the hips.

I woke up this morning about 4.30am because the London Met situation was bothering me.  Now I feel a lot more positive.  They are NOT going to stuff up my education!

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